As per Aarsha Bharatha upasana calendar published by
Gurubaba Ashram, 17th of December Tuesday Observe Amavasyopasana by
devotees. Amavasyopasana is fasting without water and cooked food for 2 nights
and 1 day on Amavasi (New moon day)) and Pournami (Full Moon day). It starts at
6 pm on the previous day of new moon / full moon days. Up to 6 pm you can eat
anything you want.. From 6 to 9 pm slowly you must come to Upavasa.
Benefits from observing
1. To thwart evil planetary influences and to obtain the
blessings of good planets
2. To retrieve lost prosperity and to maintain
3. To enter wed lock for persons having bad planetary
afflictions in their birth chart like “Chova dhosham”
4. to attain unfulfilled aspirations.
5. To sustain nuptial bliss.
6. To do away with ‘Doshas’ from previous births and bad
actions of this birth.
7. To protect from evil forces and bad elements of nature
8. As a remedy to incurable diseases and maintain health.