What are the penances observed by Gurubaba ?
Gurubaba abstains form food and water for 3 days starting form the 13th day after full moon to 1st day after new moon. He abstains from food and water for 10 days starting from the 14th day after new moon to 9th day after full moon daily for sixteen hours a day. Apart from this he is on total fasting without water and both the 'Ekadasi' i,e 11th lunarday and 'Shasti' as the 6th lunarday. Again he fasts for 16 Hours on Tuesdays and Fridays. One majority of the remaining days he lives without cooked food and eats only raw vegetables, raw wheat and fruits during this period.
In short he is on fasting for 2/3 of an year and consumes cooked food for only 90 days in a year.
Another Stipulation in vedas for performing this pooja is that the sage who does this pooja should not enjoy the offerings from devotees but should live from what he earns through his profession.
This condition also is strictly abided by Gurubaba. He never use a single paise from the offerings from devotees to meet his personal expenses. He lives from the income earned through his profession as an engineer, by drawing rare and wonderful sketches for buildings. In fact Gurubaba is not able to meet the demands from devotees for building plans due to lack of time.
How severe are the rituals ?
Devotees does not have to play any role in the rituals. The en tire pooja is done secretly during 'Rahu' time every day in the ever burning Homakundam inside the locked sanctorum of Gurubaba.
During the Pooja, according to the degree of evil afflictions of the devotees, Gurubaba`s suffering increases. Many a time he used to faint for entire day in an attempt to save the ill fated devotee. Much of the evils he absorbs into his physical body and on many occasions, his body will be so hot that for hours together will be covered with wet towels. Still Gurababa will not retrace a single step from his effort to save the poor soul.
What are the prasadams of the Pooja ? How it should be used?
a) A special amulet containing Tanthrik drawings intended to keep at bay evil spirit generated by enemies. This can be worn around the waist.
b) A Tanthrik chart containing various mysterious Symbols which can be kept in purse or can be pasted in dairy or on vehicles.
c) A golden coloured coin specially blessed with eight types of yogaswara pooja to bring wealth. This can be kept inside safe or in purse.
d) White Sesame(Ellu) offered to nine celestial planets. This should be taken along with breakfast for 7 days after new moon.
e) The most powerful 111 beaded Japamala(Rosary)
This is specially meant for the Kaliyuga where dharma has dwindled and sufferings of mankind is multiplied day by day.
This holy rosary safe guards the devotee from any impending danger and is to be kept in pocket, purse, belt or hand bag always. It should not be worn on neck. While sleeping this should be kept under the pillow.
Daily chanting on Japamala i.e rosary will bring success in any field. while chanting index finger should not touch the beads, but chanting to be done with thumb and middle finger or ring finger.
No untouchabilty is associated with this and can be used during the time of mensturation also.
Being the Avatar(Divine incarnation) of Kaliyuga, Gurababa has the right to bless devotees with III beaded rosary. 108 beaded rosary was in practice in Dwaparayuga instituted by Lord Krishna. Lord Sri Rama used to pray with 101 beaded 'Japamala' in Threthayuga.
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